January 27th, 2007 Posted in Personal/Website, Sports | No Comments »

Brandywine Mountain
Originally uploaded by seriousandynutts.
At the beginning of 2007 I decided to take quite a risk and follow a new career path. To properly pursue it I had to put my financial security, family & friends respect, and personal integrity all on the line. Walk through the fire, let it strip away the fluff & fat, and emerge a stronger, smarter, and better individual.
I am a Crossfit trainer.
The evolution is not over, I am still very much in the fire. One of my biggest challenges I find is in the art of the sell. Transforming interested people into great clients. I can take anyone willing and transform them physically & mentally into something they never thought they can be. I know that what we do in on the bleed edge of the entire health & fitness industry, I see it, I experience it, I try to add to it. I believe I can communicate these ideas clearly so that others can understand. But for some reason I have trouble being able to turn an interested ear into a paying client.
Here’s an analogy that I like & thought may help, from Crossfit affiliate Jeff Chapman…
I will try and add my two cents or less;) Anyway, price is always something that every company struggles with. Do we charge x amount, or will x amount turn people away and actually, heaven forbid, drive them to a competitor. I will give you a quick little scenario. I was in sales for Porsche in a previous life, and this was always the question that was brought up in local, district, national meetings. Is Porsche pricing themselves out of the market to be competitive with Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Lexus etc. The answer that came back almost every time was no. We would always ask why? (Leave it to the Germans to say this) “We are Porsche!”
It took me awhile to figure that out, once I figured that we were Porsche I ended up being very successful with them. You can’t apologize for the price, you can’t apologize for what you offer, you can’t apologize for what you provide. Once you figure that out, (which means some people will want you to apologize so you will lower the price, thus lowering the value of what you provide) you will never have any problem justifying what you do and why you charge what you do.
I guess the bottom line is if you think you have a Porsche to offer sell it at Porsche prices, if you have a Honda to offer you are going to get Honda buyers.
Much love and respect to those that have helped me greatly during this defining time, Patty, T-Bear, Glassman, Droho, Scooter, Dad & Mom, the Westies out in New West, everyone at Crossfit Vancouver! Anytime I can help you out, I’ll be right by your side.
Viva grande vida!